The free version of our vendor due diligence platform allows your RIA firm to connect with up to five vendors to help automate your firm’s third party technology vendor due diligence review and documentation.
Presently, the following RIA industry vendors are available on the platform:
We continue to add new vendors on a regular basis. RIA industry vendors interested in joining our vendor due diligence platform may contact us.
Third party vendor due diligence is one of the most critical cybersecurity compliance challenges that RIA firms face today. RIA in a Box® is committed to making the vendor due diligence platform available to all RIA firms in order to help the RIA industry collaboratively address this major industry challenge.
As more RIA firms migrate to cloud-based technology and vendors, proper vendor management and due diligence is becoming an even more important element of every investment advisory firm’s cybersecurity compliance program. In today’s world, investment advisers need to actively mitigate the risk of indirect information security breaches via a third party vendor that leads to the exposure of the RIA firm’s nonpublic personal information (NPI) or other sensitive information.