Blog Article

RIA in a Box and InvestorCOM Team Up to Release the RolloverAnalyzer™

May 26, 2022

RIA in a Box announces a new partnership with InvestorCOM to provide the RolloverAnalyzer for RIAs to meet the DOL’s PTE 2020-02 requirements.

On May 25, 2022, we announced our partnership with InvestorCOM and the upcoming release of the RolloverAnalyzer™ solution, created for independent advisory firms and registered investment advisers (“RIAs”) to meet the Department of Labor’s (“DOL”) PTE 2020-02 rollover requirements by the upcoming compliance deadline of July 1, 2022. 

The RolloverAnalyzer™ provides advisers with an intuitive digital solution to assess, document, and disclose rollover recommendations and meet compliance requirements in a single process.

The DOL’s PTE 2020-02, “Improving Investment Advice for Workers & Retirees,” exemption set new requirements for advisers that provide recommendations to retirement plan participants to roll their accounts from a plan to an individual retirement account (IRA) or annuity. Rollovers are estimated to reach $760 billion annually over the next five years. 


RIAs that use the RolloverAnalyzer™ will gain access to time saving and intuitive features that help them efficiently meet their compliance and oversight requirements. The solution is specifically designed to support financial professionals when making best interest rollover recommendations by:

  • Comparing rollover environment against the current levels of service, client fit, and costs.
  • Integrating plan and industry average data, saving the adviser time in searching for data using third-party websites.
  • Electronically documenting and disclosing the best interest recommendation directly to the client.
  • Providing native record keeping and oversight functionality necessary for compliance teams.



For more information on PTE 2020-02, visit the following blog posts: 1) the overview of PTE-2020-02 and 2) the DOL’s FAQ Guidance

Do you want to learn how this solution can enhance your firm’s compliance program? Schedule a Demo here.