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Navigating personal account dealing risk: A best practises guide for UK-based financial firms

Aug 25, 2023

In the realm of financial services, maintaining the highest standards of integrity and compliance is paramount.

Let’s explore some best practises financial firms like yours should adopt to navigate the complexities of personal account dealing while upholding integrity and regulatory compliance.

In the realm of financial services, maintaining the highest standards of integrity and compliance is paramount. As a UK-based financial firm, you’re likely already well-versed in adhering to the regulations set forth by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA). Even so, as the financial landscape continues to change, so do best practises.

Let’s explore some best practises financial firms like yours should adopt to navigate the complexities of personal account dealing and its associated risk, while upholding integrity and regulatory compliance.

Best practises to mitigate personal account dealing risk for UK-based financial firms

Considering the framework of personal account dealing requirements, here are some tactics your financial firm can implement to best comply:

  1. Create clear policies and procedures.

Establishing comprehensive and well-defined policies and procedures is the cornerstone of effective personal account dealing management. Clearly outline expectations for employees’ personal trading activities, pre-clearance processes, permissible investment instruments and reporting timelines. These policies should align with regulatory requirements and the firm’s commitment to transparency.

2. Implement pre-clearance protocols.

Implement a robust pre-clearance process that requires employees to seek approval before executing personal securities transactions. This practise ensures potential conflicts of interest are identified and mitigated before they arise. The pre-clearance mechanism should be swift, efficient and well-documented, enabling compliance officers to review and approve transactions promptly.

3. Offer regular training.

Regularly educate employees about the importance of ethical conduct, disclosure obligations and the potential impact of their personal trading activities on the firm’s reputation. Training programs should cover relevant regulatory guidelines and provide practical examples to enhance employees’ understanding of compliance expectations.

4. Maintain restricted lists.

Maintain lists of issuers or securities that are subject to restrictions due to insider information or conflicts of interest. Employees should be aware of these restricted lists to avoid engaging in trading activities that could violate regulations. Restricted lists serve as a vital tool in preventing unauthorized transactions and protecting the firm’s integrity.

5. Implement blackout periods.

Institute blackout periods during which employees are prohibited from executing personal securities transactions. These periods typically coincide with critical firm events, such as the release of sensitive information or major transactions. Blackout periods mitigate the risk of insider trading and ensure that employees do not inadvertently act on non-public information.

6. Maintain disclosures and reports.

Maintain a stringent reporting framework for personal account dealings. Require employees to regularly disclose their personal trading activities and holdings to the compliance department. This practise allows compliance officers to monitor trading patterns, identify potential conflicts and take necessary actions to address any issues promptly.

7. Implement advanced monitoring technology.

Leverage advanced compliance technology to monitor personal account dealing activities in real-time. Automated systems can help detect unusual trading patterns, unauthorized transactions and potential breaches of compliance policies. Such technology enhances the firm’s ability to swiftly identify and address violations.

8. Ensure senior management oversight.

Ensure that senior management is actively involved in overseeing personal account dealing practises. Leaders should set the tone from the top by demonstrating commitment to compliance and ethical behavior. Regular reviews and updates on compliance efforts should be shared with senior management to foster a culture of accountability.

9. Conduct regular audits and reviews.

Conduct periodic audits and reviews of the firm’s personal account dealing practises. These assessments should evaluate the effectiveness of policies, the accuracy of reporting and the overall adherence to regulatory requirements. Adjustments and improvements should be made based on the findings of these reviews.

10. Maintain open lines of communication.

Maintain open lines of communication between the compliance department and employees. Encourage employees to seek guidance or clarification on personal account dealing matters. Regular communication reinforces the importance of compliance and provides employees with the resources they need to make informed decisions.

Monitoring and mitigating risk associated with personal account dealing is a critical aspect of maintaining integrity and regulatory compliance within financial firms. By implementing these best practises, financial firms can establish a strong framework that safeguards against conflicts of interest, promotes transparency and upholds the trust of clients, investors and regulatory bodies.

Complying with COMPLY

COMPLY offers regulatory compliance solutions to help firms like yours meet the requirements of the FCA. From consulting to technology solutions, COMPLY provides firms with a comprehensive suite of solutions to help your firm proactively identify and mitigate compliance risks.

Now is the time to lean into your resources and away from potential violations. Learn more about the COMPLY consulting services and solutions, and how we can help your firm avoid violations, prepare for regulatory changes, update your policies and procedures and more!