Blog Article

Key software and technology integrations for your regulatory compliance platform

Feb 21, 2023

Don’t succumb to siloes. Discover the key technology integrations for your regulatory compliance platform to optimize automation at your advisory firm.

Business, especially that within the financial industry, today demands technological support. However, to optimize the use of your new platform or software – in support of whatever initiative your financial advisory firm is prioritizing – that technology can’t operate in a silo.

A sentiment which is even more impactful when it comes to your regulatory compliance platform or technology.

Automating your advisory firm’s regulatory compliance program brings with it numerous benefits, including more time to focus on firm-wide strategic initiatives. But if that platform or technology doesn’t integrate with your existing tech stack, it’s likely you’ll end up right where you started – manually shifting information between platforms and spending hours of your day stuck in mundane, time-consuming tasks.

The top software and technology integrations necessary to optimize your regulatory compliance platform

When assessing a potential regulatory compliance technology, it’s critical to gain a clear understanding of what other platforms or technology it integrates with. By ensuring a seamless integration between your compliance technology and that of your existing tech stack, you avoid the manual disruption which comes with siloed software.

While your financial advisory firm might not need a regulatory compliance platform which integrates with every technology within your tech stack, you will likely need to ensure integrations with critical tech solutions like:

  • HR technology.
  • CRM platforms.
  • Expense and order management platforms.
  • Deal-making technology.

As the financial industry, and your financial advisory firm right along with it, becomes increasingly automated, there is more chance for siloed functionality to create disruption within your workflows. Not to mention, the potential damage which can occur when key data is not flowing into your regulatory compliance platform. By prioritizing the integration of key technologies with your compliance platform, you ensure optimized automation for your financial advisory firm.

Looking to integrate a new platform? Check out the benefits of the ComplySci Platform and learn about the critical API integrations which elevates the ComplySci solution and has made it a leader on the market.