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Five reasons why your investment firm should automate its gifts and entertainment compliance processes

Mar 01, 2023

Investment firms can benefit greatly from automating their gifts and entertainment compliance processes, increasing efficiency, reducing risk and improving regulatory compliance.

Learn more about the advantages of automation and how it can help your investment firm comply with gifts and entertainment regulations.

Gifts and entertainment help to build and maintain strong connections with clients, partners and employees. However, in today’s complex and highly regulated financial environment, it’s crucial to ensure that these practices are conducted in a compliant and ethical manner.

Regulations like Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) Rule 3220 are in place to prevent conflicts of interest, bribery and other forms of unethical behavior which can damage a company’s reputation and result in legal penalties. For investment advisory firms, there is not a specific Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) regulation which addresses gifts and entertainment, rather, it’s an implied part of the fiduciary rules advisers must abide by.

While gifts are great, it’s crucial for your investment firm to ensure that its compliance program thoroughly addresses gifts and entertainment compliance to avoid potential regulatory failings.

The benefits of automating your investment firm’s gifts and entertainment compliance program

The reasons for enforcing gifts and entertainment compliance are numerous. Firstly, it helps to ensure fair competition by preventing companies from gaining unfair advantages through bribery or other forms of unethical behavior. Secondly, it helps to build and maintain trust with clients and partners by demonstrating a commitment to ethical business practices. Finally, it helps to protect a company’s reputation by avoiding any association with unethical behavior.

However, navigating the complex landscape of gifts and entertainment compliance can be a daunting task, especially for larger investment firms with many employees and partners. This is where automation comes in.

1.Improved efficiency

Manual tracking of gifts and entertainment can be time-consuming and error-prone. By automating the process, investment firms can streamline the tracking and reporting of all gifts and entertainment. This results in improved efficiency, reduced administrative costs and the ability to focus on higher-value tasks.

2. Consistency and accuracy

Automated compliance processes provide consistent and accurate tracking of intricate compliance processes, including the gifts and entertainment going in and out of your firm. This is important because even small mistakes can result in significant regulatory violations. Automation ensures all gift and entertainment disclosures are tracked and reported correctly, reducing the risk of compliance issues.

3. Improved risk management

Automation enables investment firms to improve their risk management processes. By tracking all gifts and entertainment, firms can better identify and manage potential conflicts of interest. This helps to reduce the risk of regulatory violations and reputational damage.

4. Enhanced reporting capabilities

Automated compliance processes provide enhanced reporting capabilities. Firms can easily generate reports on gift and entertainment data, enabling them to quickly identify trends and potential issues. This information can be used to develop and implement appropriate compliance policies and procedures.

5. Better oversight and accountability

Automated compliance processes provide better oversight and accountability. The system tracks all gifts and entertainment, providing a complete audit trail of activity. This enables firms to better manage their compliance risk and demonstrate their commitment to ethical business practices.

Partnering with ComplySci to manage the gifts and entertainment aspect of your compliance program

Fortunately, companies can rely on compliance software such as ComplySci to streamline the process of tracking and reporting gifts and entertainment to ensure that they are in compliance with the company’s policies and associated legal regulations.

With the ComplySci Platform, investment firms can streamline the process of managing gifts and entertainment compliance by automating the tracking, reporting, and approval of gifts and entertainment activities. The platform also includes built-in risk assessment tools which help to identify potential conflicts of interest and ensure that all gifts and entertainment activities comply with applicable laws and regulations.

In addition, the ComplySci Platform provides robust reporting and analytics capabilities which allow companies to monitor compliance across their entire organization and identify potential areas for improvement. This ensures that companies are proactively addressing any compliance issues before they become larger problems.

Gifts and entertainment compliance is a critical aspect of any business, as it helps ensure companies and their employees adhere to the ethical standards set by the organization and the legal rulings which regulate them. Failure to do so can result in significant consequences, including reputational damage, loss of business and hefty fines.

By partnering with a trusted partner like ComplySci, companies can ensure that they are managing gifts and entertainment activities in a compliant and ethical manner, which can ultimately help to build and maintain strong relationships with clients and partners and protect their reputation.