Blog Article

COMPLY: The future of compliance program management – empowering firms in financial regulatory compliance

May 30, 2023

While a major part of your job as a chief compliance officer, staying up to date with evolving regulations and effectively implementing them can be a challenging task. However, ComplySci, RIA in a Box and NRS — three prominent brands within the compliance space— are leading the way as the future of compliance.

Find out how we are reshaping financial regulatory compliance and offering dynamic services and compliance solutions.

In today’s fast-paced financial landscape, regulatory compliance protects the industry and its participants, highlighting a firm’s transparency, integrity and trust. While a major part of your job as a chief compliance officer requires you to have a functional understanding of regulatory requirements, staying up to date with evolving regulations and effectively implementing them can be a challenging task. However, COMPLY, a prominent brand within the compliance space, and its portfolio of offerings ComplySci, RIA in a Box and NRS, are leading the way as the future of compliance.

By leveraging our expertise, proactivity and commitment to client success, our teams are reshaping financial regulatory compliance and offering dynamic services and solutions. Here’s how we do it.

How COMPLY is elevating compliance program management

We had an opportunity to sit down with Wade Quinn, VP of Sales at COMPLY, Jill Groszek, Enterprise Account Executive at COMPLY and Erik Sinkhart, Global Head of Customer Support at COMPLY. Here’s what he learned about how COMPLY manages to provide its customers with the best it has to offer:

  1. COMPLY keeps a pulse on the regulatory landscape.

Understanding the ever-changing regulatory environment is essential for firms to successfully navigate compliance requirements. The SEC’s “sweep exams” serve as a valuable resource for advisory firms and our consultants to understand new rules and their associated requirements, as well as how the SEC expects firms to implement those requirements.

According to Wade, “The sweep exams are somewhat of a roadmap” our consultants can use “to reconcile and do a level set on what firms have implemented and what they potentially need to change because there’s oftentimes gray area” when a new rule is adopted. By staying abreast of the regulatory landscape, COMPLY is able to provide comprehensive guidance to their clients.

Jill emphasizes not only COMPLY’s proactive approach to regulatory changes. She states, “COMPLY is extremely proactive in not only understanding what potential regulatory changes are coming but also in addressing these changes and keeping clients informed.” By proactively addressing regulatory changes and keeping clients in the loop, COMPLY ensures that its clients feel prepared and well-equipped to meet compliance requirements.

2. COMPLY actively seeks customer input.

Gaining a deep understanding of each client’s unique needs and challenges is vital to providing effective regulatory compliance solutions. Our consultants engage in “discovery calls” with clients to identify risks and priorities. Wade explains their approach, saying, “We ask clients intelligent questions and listen. We fall in love with the problems before we fall in love with the solutions.” This customer-centric approach enables COMPLY to tailor their solutions to the specific needs of each client.

COMPLY also places a strong emphasis on gathering customer feedback. Erik highlights their hands-on approach, stating, “Customer Support is very hands-on with customers.” COMPLY actively seeks feedback from customers through their Voice of the Customer (VOC) program, allowing them to identify challenges firms face. Erik points out some common challenges firms have faced, such as scaling, certifications and reporting, emphasizing COMPLY’s commitment to resolving these issues. By actively engaging with customers, COMPLY aims to continuously improve its services and regulatory solutions.

3. COMPLY eagerly applies customer input to create effective regulatory compliance solutions and services.

Jill highlights COMPLY’s commitment to addressing regulatory changes head-on by providing resources and tools. She states, “One of the things that COMPLY does best is addressing regulatory changes head on, by providing resources not only to our clients but to the industry.” By equipping clients with the necessary resources and expertise, COMPLY enables them to navigate regulatory changes effectively.

COMPLY takes customer input to heart and utilizes it to create intuitive solutions. Erik explains, “We have a process where we bubble that information up to the Product team to try to solve those problems through the VOC, Voice of the Customer, program.” COMPLY has implemented various features and initiatives to enhance customer experience, such as advanced search capabilities and step-by-step training videos. Erik adds, “We’re also looking into other ways of getting customers information quicker and improve self-service capabilities.” COMPLY actively seeks customer feedback, ensuring continuous improvement and a streamlined compliance experience.

The future of compliance lies in the hands of proactive and client-centric brands like COMPLY. By keeping a pulse on the regulatory landscape, actively seeking customer input and applying the knowledge gained, these brands empower firms to navigate compliance challenges with confidence. Through their commitment to our customers, proactive support, comprehensive solutions and continuous improvement, COMPLY is paving the way for a compliant and secure financial industry.

Are you ready to partner with us on your compliance program management?  Schedule a demo today!