Blog Article

A conversation over coffee: an interview with Danielle Schlar

Jun 03, 2022

Join us over coffee as we sit down with our talented COMPLY™ community. This week, we welcome Danielle Schlar to discuss all things people and teams.

Name: Danielle Schlar

Title: Chief people and services officer

Number of Years with the COMPLY™ company: 2.5 years

Q: Can you describe a day in your life as the chief people and services officer?

A: My day is a little bit of everything, which is one of the great things about being in human resources (HR). Depending on the size and scale of the initiatives we have going on in the people department, I will typically spend at least part of my day focused on how I can push forward those projects – for example, we are implementing a whole new suite of HR technology so we are all spending a lot of time on that.

Generally though, I’m usually meeting with my team (on zoom), doing 1:1s and chatting with employees (on zoom), interviewing and strategizing on potential hires (on zoom) and spending a lot of time complaining about how much time I spend on zoom.   

Q: What originally attracted you to COMPLY? And why have you remained with the company for so long?

A: I’d known about COMPLY for a while prior to joining as I’m lucky enough to have worked with Amy (and some other COMPLY’ers) at a previous job. I came out of compliance training/education and knew I wanted to stay in the field but work at a company that was growing and had great leadership.

When I started (in those prehistoric pre-COVID times), COMPLY was a growing start-up with a great vibe. Even though we’ve grown quite a bit since then, we’ve been able to maintain what I think of as the “fun start-up” environment even as we mature and scale. COMPLY has great people, great products and an evolving culture and that is why I like coming to work every day!   

Q: You mentioned culture, can you expand a little on the culture of COMPLY? How has it evolved as we acquired organizations and made the shift to a portfolio of companies?

A: We’ve spent a lot of time thinking about our culture over these past few years. First, we had to (very quickly) get a grasp on how to go from being a very ‘in person’ culture to a fully remote one and now shifting to a flexibility first culture.

Since the acquisitions, we are looking at how to take the best parts of the culture of each of the companies we’ve acquired (and our own culture) and combine that into a new culture that encompasses a little bit of each company in our portfolio.

We’re also now at a size where we can really zero in on the things that make us great – our focus on community, diversity, mental health and more.

Q: I think it’s safe to say we’ve seen tremendous growth this year. Can you talk a little about that growth and what it means for the different teams or departments?

A: It’s such an exciting time to be at COMPLY. We’ve tripled in size over the last few months. We are backed by some awesome private equity (PE) companies and that has allowed us to continue to hire and grow while other companies are starting to freeze hiring.

Also, by joining forces with NRS, illumis, RIAB and Itegria, our employees have greater opportunities to continue their career trajectory in other areas of the business – we’ve seen a ton of lateral movements since our acquisitions. It’s really exciting to see cross-companies teams evolving and people being promoted throughout the organization!

Q: So, if you had to sum it up in less than 10 words, what makes COMPLY such a great place to work?

A: Great people, great perks, great opportunities for growth.

Q: What can new hires really expect when they come on board with COMPLY? From your perspective, what are some of the top benefits?

A: I feel like when anyone joins a company, the first few weeks are just a deer-in-headlights, ton-of-information-coming-at-you experience. The only thing required of all new hires is a positive attitude and a willingness to learn. That’s all that’s really needed those first few weeks.

From a benefits standpoint, I think we have some great options for employees. Our medical, dental and vision insurance is top notch and very cost effective (it’s free for single coverage on most plans). We also have a 4% match on our 401k, and cool voluntary benefits including pet insurance!

Q: I think I would be remiss if I didn’t ask. What positions are open right now?

A: We have a lot of open positions right now across sales development, marketing, finance, product, tech, legal and even HR!

Check out all our open positions on our LinkedIn site or at

Q: And finally, what’s your go-to coffee order?

A: Grande skinny vanilla latte from Starbucks – hot in the winter and iced in the summer.