
10 Steps RIA Firms Can Take to Address Cybersecurity Threats Checklist

Sep 16, 2014

This complimentary checklist outlines 10 steps to help RIA firms properly address cybersecurity threats.

Is Your RIA firm properly addressing cybersecurity threats?

RIA firms of all sizes possess highly sensitive client information. If this information gets into the wrong hands, the results can unfortunately be disastrous.

For many registered investment adviser (“RIA”) firms, there is no greater risk to the business than the potential theft or exploitation of sensitive client information in its possession. Cybersecurity is generally considered to be part of a firm’s compliance requirements, however the current regulatory requirements have not all caught up to the current business threats. Thus, it’s essential that all RIA firms take a very proactive approach when it comes to cybersecurity compliance regardless of current regulations.

This complimentary checklist outlines 10 steps to help RIA firms properly address cybersecurity threats including:

  • There is no substitution for proper employee training.
  • Unfortunately, even the best passwords can be defeated.
  • Employees need to safeguard their own personal information on social media networks.
  • Every client should have a secret word used to help verbally authenticate requests.

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