Blog Article

Chief Compliance Officer’s Guide to the 2018 IAA Compliance Conference

Mar 05, 2018

Our guide to the top 5 RIA compliance sessions to attend at the 2018 Investment Adviser Association Compliance conference on exam focus areas, cybersecurity, vendor due diligence, the new Form ADV, and new Custody Rule guidance.

Next week, the 2018 Investment Adviser Association Compliance Conference kicks off in Washington, D.C.. This year’s annual registered investment adviser (“RIA”) compliance industry event features an impressive list of speakers and panelists highlighted by a number of senior leaders from the Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”). The two day event taking place on March 15 and March 16 includes a number of presentations and panels on a number of current RIA regulatory focus areas including cybersecurity, vendor due diligence, the new Form ADV, and new Custody Rule guidance.

While there are a number of can’t-miss sessions at this year’s conference, here are our top 5 suggested sessions to attend:

  • A Conversation with the Directors: SEC Examinations and Enforcement (Thursday, March 15, 9:30AM-10:30AM): Peter Driscoll, Director of the SEC Office of Compliance Inspections and Examinations (“OCIE”), and Stephanie Avakian, Co-Director SEC Division of Enforcement, headline this panel which is likely to focus on the SEC’s 2018 regulatory examination focus areas and discuss the agency’s examination frequency improvements. Attendees will also learn more about recent developments in data analytics for the National Exam Program.
  • Concurrent Breakout Sessions – Spotlight on Cybersecurity (Thursday, March 15, 2:00PM-3:00PM): Attendees have the option to choose from one of three concurrent sessions focused on small, medium, or large firms. With cybersecurity a continued investment adviser regulatory focus area, attendees will want to be sure to attend the relevant session to learn from a hypothetical cyber security data breach scenario. Attendees will also learn more details about the SEC Enforcement Division’s new Cyber Unit.
  • Key Issues in Third Party Due Diligence and Vendor Oversight and Contracts (Thursday, March 15, 3:15PM-4:15PM): Mavis Kelly, Assistant Director of the SEC OCIE, and others will discuss best practices for assessing potential third party vendor risks. In addition, the session will discuss ideas around how to perform appropriate vendor oversight, supervision, and documentation. Third party vendor due diligence remains an area of opportunity for RIA firms to more thoroughly and efficiently meet regulatory compliance requirements.
  • Best Practices for Form ADV Disclosure (Friday, March 16, 8:30AM-9:30AM): Effective October 1, 2017, RIA firms are now required to disclose new information on the Form ADV Part 1A relating to separately managed accounts, social media accounts, types of clients, branch offices, and the use of an outsourced Chief Compliance Officer (“CCO”). Jennifer Porter, Branch Chief in the SEC Division of Investment Management, and others will discuss these new changes and other practical drafting tips for the Form ADV Part 2. 
  • Understanding the Recent Custody Rule Guidance – SLOAs, First-Person Transfers, and Inadvertent Custody (Friday, March 16, 9:30AM-10:30AM): In early 2017, the SEC issued much-anticipated regulatory guidance related to the Custody Rule. Sara Cortes, Assistant Director of the SEC Division of Investment, and others will lead a discussion on how the industry has implemented no-action relief from surprise custody examinations under the Custody Rule for RIA firms that utilize standing letters of authorization (“SLOAs”).

The exhibit hall also features over twenty compliance consultants, compliance software, and other RIA technology vendors including Orion Advisor Services, one of our compliance software’s key integration partners. Together, our software systems help ensure that an RIA firm is always properly registered or notice-filed in all the required jurisdictions. 

best RIA compliance software

And of course, don’t forget to demo the latest new features of MyRIACompliance online RIA compliance management software including the new employee trade monitoring module in the exhibit hall. In addition, our executive team will be in attendance to discuss any compliance questions related to the significant Form ADV Part 1A changes which are now in effect.


RIA in a Box LLC is not a law firm, investment advisory firm, or CPA firm. RIA in a Box LLC does not provide legal advice or opinions to any party or client. You should always consult your relevant regulatory authorities or legal counsel if applicable.