Blog Article

Women’s History Month: A Celebration of Diversity

Mar 24, 2022

As we close out Women’s History Month, we thought it was only appropriate to speak with some of our innovative, strategic, and inspirational female leaders.

As we close out the month of March, otherwise known as Women’s History Month, we thought it was only appropriate to speak with some of our innovative, strategic, and inspirational female leaders. Their words of wisdom prove, yet again, how important is it to have diverse voices at the table.

You Can Quote Me On That: Inspiration and Motivation

“The quote by Marian Wright Edelman “you can’t be what you can’t see” has been an inspiration throughout my career, shaping how I approach everything from my leadership style to my day-to-day engagement. As a female leader – in tech especially – I have always strongly felt that inclusion yields inclusion, and by creating opportunities for diverse voices, I believe we help those around us “see” themselves in the space. There are so many ways to participate – even without a technical degree – and it’s critical that we let our youth know they can be part of this revolution!” – Chief Executive Officer Amy Kadomatsu

“I have been fortunate to have a mother that showed me it was possible to rise to the C-suite in a historically male-dominated field and to have had leaders I respect raise up my voice when I didn’t know how to find it myself. I’ve learned that true leadership is not just about making space at the table – it’s being intentional in inviting teammates to be vocal with their unique perspectives. Diversity is a beautiful reality, and for me, inclusion is the act of bringing those diverse experiences, backgrounds, and perspectives to light. We all have an opportunity to lift up the voices of those around us, and I aspire to be a leader that keeps this at the center of all that I do.” – VP, Global Customer Success Taylor Johnston

“My career journey has been anything but typical and the opportunities I’ve had available to me to advance my career to leadership are a direct reflection of my efforts and skills. As a female, I wouldn’t have always been able to say this. I work with so many strong female leaders on a daily basis, whether direct contributors or those in management and beyond. The encouragement and commitment to lifting up others around them makes my workplace truly flourish and grow.” –  Director of Inside Sale Jess Nagy

“Hard work is not enough.  Opportunity comes when preparation and luck collide, and I want to create an amazing collision course for future women CFO’s.” – Chief Financial Officer Wendy Fraulo

“I started in financial services almost 30 years ago which was a primarily male dominated industry. So, navigating diversity and inclusion was on my shoulders which made networking and being intentional essential. Kindness and realizing that everyone in the room has a voice provided two-way respect which went a long way, particularly in contributing to career growth. Speaking with intention proved paramount to being heard. Today my leadership style is still based on kindness, respect and allowing everyone to have a voice which is essential for growth. I hope my legacy is that those I have managed and those I have mentored realize the value of acceptance and the impact of kindness.” – Director, Product Development Catherine Reynolds

“Surround yourself with people who make you happy. People who are good for you, good to you, and who are going to challenge you to make you better. Be that person for others. Elevate, empower, and support those around you.” – VP of Marketing Michelle Akhtar

As someone who has spent her career in financial services and tech, seeing women with a ‘seat at the table’ has always been a rare occurrence. One of the reasons I joined ComplySci was because there was female leadership and with Amy as CEO, we continue to make equal representation a top priority within the organization. It’s my hope that our employees, both current and future, will see themselves represented amongst our leadership and that NOT seeing women (or other members of our diverse population) with a ‘seat at the table’ becomes the rare occurrence and not the other way around.”  – Chief People Officer Danielle Schlar

“It is not always easy to get a seat at the table for women. We must work for it and earn it more than others. But women must never forget that no matter how small or large, their dreams and aspirations are achievable. You must get up and chase after your dreams as they won’t be chasing after you. And the more we raise each other up in the community, the more doors will open and that seat at the table will be easier to walk up to as are we all are better together.” – VP of Sales Maureen Redmond

“As we celebrate the profound achievements of women in business it is an honor to be part of representation that matters. We need to stay committed to getting women back to the workforce, back to leadership positions, and to closing the gap. Younger generations are watching!” –  VP, People Marie Perge

“You are only as good as the team you build! In my experience, a team made up of diverse individuals is one that is strong, creative, and in the long-run, that much more successful. Because diverse teams embrace different perspectives and push us to think in new ways, creating an environment that is both collaborative and impactful. In today’s market, the need for diverse teams has never been greater.” – Chief Marketing Officer Shannon Seastead

“I simply wouldn’t be who or where I am today without the amazing women who have invested in and supported me throughout my life and my career. Additionally, having women to work with, as well as to look up and aspire to, has both made me a better and inspired me to continue to work smarter and harder.

Additionally, learning more about diversity & inclusion has allowed me to be a better coworker, manager, direct report, and overall a better communicator.” – Manager, Customer Success at Scale Victoria Patton