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Your hedge fund’s guide to managing material non-public information (MNPI) risk

Jun 29, 2023

If a hedge fund mishandles MNPI, it can expect a swift and potentially steep enforcement action.
Therefore, as a compliance professional, you must ensure that your hedge fund’s regulatory compliance program thoroughly addresses MNPI to protect investors and your organization from being made an example by regulators and suffering a damaged reputation.

These are five strategies to help your hedge fund manage its MNPI and avoid a compliance violation.

While all financial firms are at risk of mismanaging MNPI, your hedge fund may be at particular risk. Hedge funds often collaborate with outside organizations and vendors, potentially exposing them to greater risks of mishandling or misusing MNPI. Additionally, because of the flexibility hedge funds have in their investment approaches, they are susceptible to conflicts of interest and the misuse of MNPI, especially if proper compliance measures and internal controls are not in place.

Regulators like the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) have shown intent to move aggressively to ensure confidence in the market. If a hedge fund mishandles MNPI, it can expect a swift and potentially steep enforcement action.

As the compliance professional serving your hedge fund, it falls to you to ensure that your hedge fund’s regulatory compliance program thoroughly addresses MNPI to protect investors and your organization from being made an example by regulators and suffering a damaged reputation.

How your hedge fund can manage its MNPI risk

Let’s go over some tactics your hedge fund can implement to enhance its regulatory compliance program and protect your firm from enforcement actions and rule violations. Hedge funds should do the following to manage its MNPI:

  • Create and enforce policies and procedures that outline processes to be consistently followed.

Hedge funds must have comprehensive policies and procedures in place that address the identification, handling and dissemination of MNPI. Create and enforce policies and procedures which specifically relate to investors or key persons who would be more likely to possess MNPI, such as officers, directors, etc. These policies and procedures should reflect the current regulatory requirements.

Not only that – but your team should regularly review these policies and procedures. Regulations change and so will your hedge fund,  your policies and procedures complement those changes.

  • Educate employees on MNPI and their responsibility in handling it with sensitivity.

While many hedge funds educate employees on how MNPI relates to traditional financial statements and company filings, educate employees that MNPI can include non-traditional sources like social media and internet search data.

Your compliance team should develop comprehensive training programs that cover the legal and regulatory framework, insider trading policies and best practices for handling MNPI. Regular refresher courses and workshops will help keep employees informed about their responsibilities and reinforce the importance of maintaining the confidentiality of MNPI.

  • Collaborate with other departments at your hedge fund.

Collaboration across your hedge fund is crucial in preventing the misuse of MNPI. Your compliance team should work closely with legal and risk management teams to develop comprehensive policies and procedures that address MNPI management. Additionally, your compliance team may work with departments such as IT and legal to create strong access controls, data security measures and monitoring systems to safeguard MNPI from unauthorized access and potential breaches.

  • Maintain strict information barriers.

To prevent the improper sharing or misuse of MNPI, your hedge fund may implement strict information barriers. Your compliance team should ensure that employees with access to MNPI are appropriately segregated from those engaged in trading or other activities that could benefit from such information. Regular monitoring and surveillance can help identify and address any potential breaches of information barriers.

  • Implement strong access controls and data security.

Securing MNPI is crucial to avoid data breaches and insider trading risks. Compliance professionals should work closely with IT teams to implement robust access controls and data security measures. This includes implementing strong authentication mechanisms, encryption protocols and monitoring systems to detect any unauthorized access or suspicious activities.

As your hedge fund navigates the ever-changing financial landscape, protecting MNPI must remain a top priority of your regulatory compliance program.

By leveraging the ComplySci Control Room, compliance professionals at hedge funds can streamline and enhance the management of MNPI. The ComplySci Control Room offers compliance professionals proactive monitoring, real-time alerts and comprehensive reporting, specifically designed to assist hedge funds in maintaining compliance with regulatory obligations. With its monitoring capabilities, the ComplySci Control Room empowers compliance professionals to efficiently and effectively manage MNPI. Using the Control Room, hedge funds are better equipped to spot compliance risks before they become violations and lead to reputational damage for their firm.

By leveraging a ComplySci solution, your firm can stay ahead of potential violations and ensure it is effectively managing its MNPI. Schedule a demo today!